Root Canal Fulham

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Root Canal Dentist Fulham

Root canal treatment to save your natural tooth

Every tooth has a space in the centre that contains the nerve (pulp) which can be damaged when a tooth is badly broken down. This can lead to pain and infection. An alternative to the extraction of the tooth is root canal treatment. Our clinicians will microscopically remove the pulp, disinfect and fill this space to remove the source of the problem.

Our specialised team have undergone extensive training in the field of endodontics. At Fulham Road Dental clinic we are equipped with the latest technology to perform these treatments with microscopic detail under local anaesthetic. We will preserve as much of the tooth as possible to restore it to function as a natural tooth post-treatment.

Root Canal Procedure

Root canal procedures are complex dental treatments. It involves removing the infected or damaged nerve, cleaning the tooth and filling it with a rubber-like material at the end of the procedure. This procedure keeps the natural tooth and preserves its structure. However, discomfort is a common side effect associated with it, as accessing and extracting from the inside of the tooth can be quite painful. It requires expertise and precision to properly complete a root canal treatment process, the dental procedure is carried out by professionals to ensure successful completion. Over the counter painkillers can help with any pain after the dental procedures.

An infected tooth causing severe pain should be treated with an endodontic treatment. Endodontically treated teeth is a root canal system that restores your natural teeth and removes infection. Addressing the issue can avoid getting a tooth extracted and can also avoid the development of a dental abscess.

Root Canal Treatment FAQs

Do root canal treatments hurt?

Most people wonder if root canals hurt, you are completely numb when you have a root canal treatment so the process should be painless. It is quite common to have a little discomfort for a week after. Pain relief could involve taking ibuprofen and paracetamol (dependent on your medical history), or what you would usually take for a headache.

After root canal treatment do I need a crown / Onlay?

After a root canal treatment on a back tooth the tooth is significantly weakened so it is often necessary to place a supporting structure in the form of a crown or an Onlay to stop the tooth fracturing.

How do I know if I need a root canal treatment?

The best way is to go to the dentist to have an examination. Sometimes pain can mean you need a root canal treatment, however sometimes a tooth can be completely asymptomatic yet need a root canal treatment.

I have bad breath and a bad taste, do I need a root canal treatment?

Possibly. Bad breath can be caused by a number of reasons, usually its due to gum disease, however the bacteria involved in a tooth infection can cause bad breath and a bad taste.

How long do root canals last?

What is the typical lifespan of a root canal procedure? Teeth undergoing root canal treatment followed by filling and crown procedures typically endure for approximately 20 years. The longevity of those receiving a filling or a crown post-root canal is approximately 11 years. However, teeth that undergo a root canal without subsequent restorative work only last around 6.5 years.

How soon after root canal can I eat?

Following a root canal procedure, waiting until the temporary filling has wholly hardened before eating, typically around 30 to 45 minutes, is advisable. However, it’s best to hold off on eating until the effects of the anaesthetic have subsided to avoid accidentally biting your cheek or tongue.

What not to do after a root canal?

Once you complete a root canal procedure, try out some limitations to ensure that tissues can be amended appropriately and may prevent causing difficulties. Here are some things you should not do after a root canal: Here are some things you should not do after a root canal:

Avoid chewing on the treated tooth: It is of the essence that one limits the intensity of biting or chewing on the tooth that has recuperated from the root canal until after the complete process. It plays the role of a guard so that the tooth may not be hurt, and this helps the tooth heal fully.

Don’t eat hard or sticky foods: You can try not eating hard foods, like non-refined products or crunchy food, but that can put temporary fixation at risk or pressure the teeth. Have a soft food and fluids diet for the first few days after surgery.

Avoid vigorous brushing and flossing: Gently brush and floss around the fitting tooth, feeling the treatment, to avoid irritating the region or dislodging the temporary filling. Apply a soft bristle toothbrush and strictly avoid tending your teeth with brutal brushing styles.

Don’t smoke or use tobacco products: Different types of smoking can occur after root canal treatments and delay wound healing, with the risk of other complications rising. Try hard not to smoke or use tobacco during this period to accelerate healing.

Avoid hot and cold foods: Often, the post-operation times entail feeling the changes in a hot and a freezing temperature. Proper timing of food intake should also be determined to avoid foods and beverages that are too warm or cold to shrink sensations and feelings.

Do not skip follow-up appointments. Ensure follow-up appointments are part of your schedule to enable the complete healing of the treated tooth and a proper assessment by the dentist or endodontist. At Fulham Road Dental, we will tell you the postoperative instructions.