Dental Implants Fulham

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Dental Implants Fulham Road Dental

Dental Implants

A fixed and lifelike replacement

Our dental team in Fulham are experienced in restoring missing teeth with implants. An implant is a replacement for the root of your missing tooth and provides a strong foundation for a crown (i.e. the visible tooth above the gum line). Implants can be used to replace single or multiple teeth.

Our clinicians will always try to save your natural tooth. However, this might not always be possible. In this case, it may need to be removed. If this gap is not restored with an implant, the following issues can arise:

  • Teeth either side of the gap can “drift” into the space left by the missing tooth
  • This “drifting” can have a knock-on effect to the rest of the your mouth including bite and aesthetics
  • Remaining teeth can be overworked resulting in fracture
  • The bone in the position of the missing tooth will erode
  • Speech can be effected

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Reduce the risk of bone loss
  • More comfortable than other solutions like a removable denture
  • Less trauma to the surrounding teeth (e.g. like a fixed bridge)
  • Fixed non-removable replacement tooth
  • Chew and smile with confidence

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Reduce risk of bone loss
  • More comfortable than other solutions like removable denture
  • Less trauma to the surrounding teeth (e.g. like fixed bridge)
  • Fixed non-removable replacement tooth
  • Chew and smile with confidence
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Dental Implants

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Dental Implants

Dental Implants FAQs

Can I just get one dental implant?

Dental implant treatment can be a great solution for replacing missing teeth, but whether you need one implant or multiple implants depends on your individual circumstances. Generally speaking, if you are only replacing one tooth, a single implant is all that’s necessary to do the job. However, if the surrounding teeth are in poor condition and not able to provide an adequate amount of support for just one implant, then several implants may be needed to ensure stability. In dental implant surgery, multiple teeth can be replaced with one bridge structure connected by two or more dental implants for a secure and aesthetically pleasing outcome. It’s important to consult with your dentist to discuss which option is best for you before making any decisions.

Do implants look like natural teeth?

Dental implants can be a great way to replace missing teeth, but one of the top concerns many people have when considering them is if they will look natural. The good news is that modern implants are made to match the shape, colour, and texture of your own surrounding teeth, meaning you won’t have to worry about people noticing them.

In fact, because the implant is made in a dental lab with porcelain or composite materials designed to look like natural tooth enamel and dentin, it can often be difficult to tell the difference between a real tooth and an implant—especially when looking from a distance. While certain aspects within closer inspection may appear slightly different than real teeth, such as how they reflect light, they still provide an extremely natural-looking replacement option.

Can I get dental plant in place of a missing tooth?

The prospect of a missing tooth can be disheartening and cause self-consciousness. Fortunately, restorative dentistry can offer solutions for addressing a missing tooth. Dental implants are one such option, which function as artificial roots that integrate with the natural jawbone, providing support for replacement teeth like crowns and bridges.

A successful implant relies on thorough planning by a professional dentist to assess the quality and quantity of available bone. If you’re considering dental implants to replace a missing tooth, it is important to discuss your goals and expectations during a consultation with your dentist in order to determine if this treatment is right for you.

What are the different types of dental implants?

Dental implants can be used for a variety of dental treatments, and there are several types of implants available. Implants may consist of either titanium root-form screws or maxillofacial plates and screws, depending on the condition the implant is being used to treat. Single tooth implants are used when one or several tooth must be replaced.

Multiple teeth can also be replaced with an implant supported bridge, which allows the entire bridge to be attached to two or more implants. For edentulous (no teeth) mouths, removable dentures can also be attached to and stabilized by implants. All these types of implants provide improved chewing comfort and decrease bone loss. Those considering dental implants should consult with their dentist for more information about the best option for their particular situation.

What is oral and maxillofacial surgery?

Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a specialised field of medicine that focuses on diagnosing, treating and surgically correcting diseases, deformities and injuries affecting the face, mouth, jaws, teeth and related structures. This highly specialist area of medicine involves a wide range of procedures including maxillofacial reconstruction following trauma or cancer treatment, wisdom tooth removal and dental implants.

Given the unique expertise required to perform these procedures all oral and maxillofacial surgeons must have undergone many years of intensive training in both general medicine such as anaesthesia and detailed craniofacial anatomy. With access to the latest technologies maxillofacial surgeons are able to restore lost facial structures, improve patients’ quality of life by treating uncomfortable issues such as tooth decay or realigning crooked teeth.

What are maxillofacial implants?

There are types of dental implants that offer different functions. Maxillofacial implants are prosthetic teeth replacements that offer a more permanent solution to dental problems than teeth restoration options such as dentures or bridges. Unlike dentures and bridges, they can provide the user with teeth that look, feel, and respond like natural teeth.

The implants are made of biocompatible material that is compatible with the jawbone, allowing them to become securely attached just like natural teeth would be. The integration of the implants with the jawbone also eliminates any pain or discomfort associated with traditional teeth restoration options. They provide an effective and long-lasting aesthetic upgrade for individuals experiencing teeth problems.

Will implants last forever?

We could never tell you an implant will last forever because they can suffer the same problems as teeth, like gum disease and fracture – but they have one of the best success rates in dentistry if you look after your mouth.

What happens if I don’t have any bone, can I still have an implant?

A lack of bone doesn’t mean that you definitely can’t have an implant. We can carry out grafting procedures to replace lost bone to make an implant possible.

Are implants the best solution for missing teeth?

This really is dependent from patient to patient – but if you have missing teeth, often implants can be the gold standard replacement option for the reasons described above. Dental implant surgery can be extremely beneficial.

Can an implant be placed straight after my tooth is extracted?

Sometimes a dental implant treatment can be placed as soon as a tooth is extracted, but if the tooth has been infected, we may want to wait for the infection to heal before an implant is placed. We may also want the bone to fuse to the implant before the ‘crown’ is placed.

Why should I get dental implants?

Dental implant surgery can be a great option for many issues, including, to replace missing teeth, to replace dental problems such as broken dental crowns, a damaged tooth root, or replenish the mouth after periodontal disease. If you have one missing tooth or you are looking for a temporary denture, start your implant journey today. Implant dentistry can benefit in many ways, however, dental implants require looking after.