Gum Disease Fulham

Enquire about Gum Disease

Gum Disease Fulham Road Dental

Gum Disease

The cornerstone of a healthy mouth is healthy gums

Poor gum health can lead to loose teeth, gum recession, bad breath, bite changes and eventual tooth loss.

Importantly, it has also been shown that having your gums in good condition will also play a very important role in your overall general health and well-being and can reduce the risk of more chronic health issues like heart problems.

At our Fulham dental practice, our Periodontists have dedicated themselves to the treatment and prevention of gum disease, and perform procedures to help reverse some of the effects including the replacement of gum tissue (gum grafting).

What do healthy gums look like

  • No bleeding of the gums when you either brush or floss
  • Gums that are firm and pink
  • Gums that aren’t receding from the tooth

What is the difference between a General Dentist and Periodontist?

A general dentist can treat simpler forms of gum disease whereas a Periodontist typically sees the more severe, complex cases that require specialist treatment. Periodontists are trained in additive gum procedures.

dental bonding for receding gums

Gum Disease

Gum Disease


Gum Disease FAQs

What’s the difference between a hygienist and a Periodontist?

A dental hygienist specialises in preventative dental care, including cleaning teeth, scaling, and plaque and tartar removal, as well as teaching patients about proper oral hygiene. They become licensed dental hygienists, which entails observation of the lecture and practical classes, as well as their acquiring special knowledge.

While periodontists refer to specialists, periodontists are dentists who undergo long training in periodontists, specifically in conditions surrounding the gums and in diagnosing and treating gum diseases. They encompass the more technical procedures such as gum grafting and placement of dental implants, a field also mentioned by other specialists, to offer complete patient care for complex dental issues.

Can I grow bone and gum back once its lost due to gum disease?

With gum and bone loss, your body is often incapable of generating its replacement either. Even so, surgeons (periodontists) perform specialised procedures to promote the regeneration of the said tissues under the skin to the slightest extent.

One way periodontists can address lost tooth bone is through grafting. This process involves taking tissue from another area of the mouth or a donor source and placing it where gum tissue has been lost. The result? A strengthened and reinforced gum line that supports improved dental health and function.

Periodontists may use implanted bone grafts or specialised materials designed to stimulate bone formation in cases of lost bone. This involves placing bone material, either from your own body, a donor, or a synthetic source, in the area of bone loss. Over time, the implant is absorbed, allowing your body to produce its bone. This eliminates the need for further grafts and provides the stability and support your body needs.

These treatments are efficient because they restore some missing tissue but cannot fully replicate anatomy. In addition to the factors already mentioned, the outcome of the procedures will also depend on the magnitude of the damage itself, the patient’s overall dental health, and the extent of compliance with post-treatment care recommendations.

A professional dentist can diagnose your condition, help you learn your exact condition, and choose the proper treatment to fix your gum disease and damaged tissue.

Does gum disease cause health issues?

Gum disease is a chronic issue that affects your oral hygiene and can also cause various health concerns, including what stretches beyond your mouth. Here’s a deeper look at how gum disease can impact overall health: Here’s a deeper look at how gum disease can impact overall health:

Heart Disease: It is known that the bacteria from gum disease may be transported into the bloodstream, and atherosclerosis can be formed, with consequences for heart attacks and strokes.

Diabetes: Diabetic patients can have more gum problems than those without diabetes. In turn, gum problems could make sugar regulation harder. Hence, there are two interrelated factors by which people with diabetes may risk gum disease, which can, in turn, affect diabetes and worsen insulin sensitivity.

Respiratory Infections: Strokes from gum disease can be carried into the lungs, enabling patients to contract pneumonia.

Digestive Disorders: Periodontal disease results in patients swallowing bacteria, especially in a relaxed system, which can potentially influence the digestive system and contribute to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

How can I prevent gum disease?

Some people are genetically more prone to getting gum disease. To prevent the chances of gum disease your oral hygiene is very important. It is important to see you dentist and hygienist regularly to diagnose, treat and prevent any issues.

Will I lose all my teeth if I have gum disease?

Unlike other dental disorders, gum disease (also periodontal disease) is a chronic inflammatory infection which, if not interfered with further, can ultimately lead to the loss of teeth. Being gum-diseased, though, only some patients will be looking at the possibility of losing all their teeth. The severity of gum disease cannot be overestimated as it can differ tremendously from one person to another. Personal oral hygiene habits, genetics, general health conditions, and access to dental care can dictate this.

During the mild stage of gum disease (gingivitis), effective oral hygiene practices are essential, and appropriate professional dental care can be highly successful in stopping the disease and preventing further damage to the gums and teeth. However, suppose gingivitis progresses to periodontitis (also known as advanced periodontitis) and starts damaging the supportive structures of the teeth, such as the bone and the ligaments. In that case, the risk of tooth loss increases. Professional dental care becomes even more crucial in managing the disease and preserving oral health in such cases.

Visiting dental clinics frequently, taking care of the gums by following good oral hygiene rules, like brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash, and addressing potential risk factors like smoking and bad diet can help prevent gum disease from developing or help manage it if it develops. Suppose it is suspected that you have gum disease or are worried about your oral health. In that case, you must immediately seek a dentist’s visit for his evaluation and the arrangements for treatment.