Dr Wiktor Pietraszewski lectures at WROCFLOW in Poland

Dr Wiktor Pietraszewski Restorative dentists

Dr Wiktor Pietraszewski Restorative dentist Fulham

Dr Wik, (Dr Wiktor Pietraszewski) is one of our talented Restorative dentists here at the award winning Fulham Road Dental. His passion for dental photography and posterior ceramic restorations got him invited to lecture in Poland at WROCFLOW, an annual dental conference for dental students and dentists.

Restorative dentist in Fulham

In front of an audience of 1500 Wik spoke about modern adhesive dentistry focusing on ceramic restorations on the back teeth and why its a great option for our patients. His presentation also covered his rubber dam isolation methods and material choice. The main goal of the lecture was to inspire colleagues to approach cases in a more minimally invasive approach and to trust modern adhesive protocols in dentistry that can restore functionality and aesthetics of heavily broken down back teeth. 

The lecture was received with critical acclaim across the board. Additionally his lecture was accompanied by a one day hands on course for 20 lucky delegates.

Restorative dentist in Fulham

Wik has been invited to speak on the international stage once more collaborating with KURRAREY Poland with a webinar available worldwide in June. 

Dr Wik is now working on a UK and POLAND based hands on ONLAY course for dentists and new graduates so watch this space….
