Best Composite Bonding In London

Composite Bonding London

Composite Bonding London

Your smile can be improved without veneers by using a method called composite bonding. Despite having properly positioned teeth, patients frequently complain that their smile is not quite perfect. The remedy may be composite bonding, which entails applying composite resin to the front and edges of your teeth.

A patient may only need small adjustments, such as a tooth that has chipped, or more significant ones, such as increasing the size and symmetry of your smile.

Often, the procedure will start with an evaluation, during which one of our skilled aesthetic clinicians will learn all about your goals. To provide you a “mock up” of what the final product might look like, they can temporarily apply composite to your teeth.

The composite is placed to your teeth during a subsequent session, after which you can depart with a brand-new smile!

What is Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding is a cosmetic dentistry technique that combines art and science to improve the overall appearance of a smile. In this procedure, an enamel-like material is used to improve the shape and colour of teeth by bonding it to existing teeth.

This material is applied in layers to create a perfect fit for each tooth and also can be shaded to match the patient’s natural tooth colour. Patients seeking composite bonding gain multiple benefits as it is durabable and is resistant to staining and discolouration if cared for in the right way. Long-lasting results can be achieved through composite bonding after just one visit to the dentist’s office.


Benefits of Composite Bonding

Benefits of this procedure include enhanced appearance and improved dental function, such as restoration of tooth surfaces that have been worn down due to teeth grinding. Composite bonding can also be used for adding length or for reshaping unevenly sized/shaped teeth, thus improving the overall smile aesthetic.

Compared to other treatments, such as porcelain veneers or dental crowns, this method requires minimal, or no, removal of healthy tooth tissue and leaves a natural-looking result if done by the right clinician. Therefore, it can be concluded that composite bonding provides great aesthetics and durability that meet the needs of many patients’ budgets and individual needs.


The uses of composite

There are many uses of composite some being: direct, indirect, bonded orthodontic brackets, and consolidated enamel repair. Direct composite bonding refers to the amalgamation of a dentin adhesive system and resin onto the natural tooth surface.

Meanwhile, indirect composite use involves casting or pressing the material into a customized shape template and then cementing it on to the tooth or even implant surface.

Bonded orthodontic brackets is when brackets are placed with an acidic etch technique together with adhesive to affix them onto an enamel surface before being secured using composite resin.

Lastly, consolidated enamel repair utilises bonds which are added directly to weakened enamel for subsequent repair with composites or ceramics as required.


Steps for Composite Bonding

The procedure is performed by a cosmetically trained professional dentist, who begins by preparing the tooth surface using air abrasion to remove or clean the damaged or stained portion of enamel/dentine. Once complete, a conditioning agent is applied to create a micromechanically rough surface on which resin material can effectively adhere.

After curing and hardening, any uneven surfaces are polished and adjusted, leaving little trace that any treatment was undertaken. Composite bonding offers dramatic results in changing the colour and shape of teeth in just one visit. It can provide an attractive, natural-looking smile without the need for invasive treatments or restorative procedures such as implants or veneers.

Often a patient may choose to whiten their teeth before treatment, so the composite can be placed to match the natural tooth colour.


Tools Needed for Composite Bonding

Working with composite bonding requires a few tools such as an angled flat dental instrument for placement and repositioning of the bonding material as well as an articulating paper for checking the contact points. Additionally, a spherical diamond or carbide burr may be needed to create optimum tooth preparation that ensures successful adhesion.

A proper curing light is essential for activating and setting the adhesive resin so it retains the desired bond strength. Lastly, sandblasting may be used to ensure a roughened surface in order to increase the mechanical binding between tooth and restoration. In conclusion, these are some of the important tools necessary in order to get proficient results when conducting a successful composite bonding procedure.


Risks of Composite Bonding

The durable composite resin used in the process is not as strong as natural tooth enamel and can be subject to staining if exposed to artificial colouring agents like fruit juices or coffee regularly. If left untreated, this could result in discolouration of teeth that cannot be reversed with regular brushing. Giving up habits like drinking too much coffee and red wine could stop these risks. However, if you have already whitened your teeth prior to the composite bonding, you can simply use your at home whitening trays to ‘top up’ the colour.

Composite bonding has a very small risk of causing sensitivity as often no tooth needs to be removed when doing the procedure. Hard biting forces, and an abrasive diet, may lead to chipping and breakage of the material. Its important if you are a tooth grinder to wear a bite guard every night to protect the composite and your natural tooth.


Cost of Composite Bonding in London

Composite bonding in London can cost anywhere from £200 to £700 per tooth. When considering the cost of composite bonding in London, it is important to take into account a few different factors.

First and foremost, the complexity of the procedure will have an impact on its cost. Specialised techniques require more time and may be more expensive compared to simpler treatments. Additionally, patient-specific variables such as tooth preparation, shaping, contouring, overall hygiene level and oral health can affect the final cost of this restorative procedure.

Therefore, researching all factors related to composite bonding costs at an assessment appointment may assist patients in finding the best deal for their needs.


Finding a Qualified Practitioner in London

Here at Fulham Road Dental, we have a team of specialised practitioners that have experience and expertise in composite bonding. Contact us today to arrange an appointment.


Aftercare for Composite Bonding

Caring for composite bonding may require additional effort compared to the care of natural teeth. Maintaining good oral hygiene, including brushing twice daily and flossing regularly, is important. Dentists often advise avoiding consuming dark-coloured drinks such as coffee or tea since these can potentially stain the bonded components and sugary food or highly acidic products.

Tobacco-based products should be avoided since nicotine can also discolour the composite material used for bonding. Regular checkups with a dentist are usually recommended in order to ensure that any minor repairs are done quickly and efficiently and that the overall structure of the bonding is intact.

It’s also important to wear a nightguard if you are a grinder, and not bite on things you shouldn’t do!


FAQs about Composite Bonding

Composite bonding or veneers?

Deciding between composite bonding or veneers will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Composite bonding involves adding a composite resin material to the surface of a tooth and reshaping it as desired. The advantage of this procedure is that it generally requires no removal of existing enamel and can be completed in one appointment. Many patients prefer the quick turnaround time associated with composite bonding because they do not have to wait several weeks between appointments.

Veneers, on the other hand, involve placing thin shells made of porcelain or another material over a tooth in order to improve appearance. This usually requires some removal of enamel and may take two appointments over several weeks, but the result is highly customised and more aesthetically pleasing than composite bonding. Ultimately, both procedures can provide an improved smile, so your dentist can help you make a decision about which one works best for you, depending on your individual needs and goals.

Is composite bonding worth it?

Composite bonding is a dental procedure that can dramatically improve the look of your teeth, yet it is important to carefully consider whether this particular solution is worth it for your individual situation. While composite bonding can provide fantastic results that last for several years, certain types of damage may require more permanent solutions like dental crowns or veneers.

Consulting with a trusted dentist can help to determine if this quick and minimally invasive option is right for you. Contact Fulham Road Dental today for composite bonding expertise!
